Sunday, April 24, 2011

My Running Experiment

I love to run. I have been running for years, nearly every day. Sometimes I run outside, but often, I forgo the elements and run on the treadmill. Recently, I was dealt a crushing blow by my gym. I walked in for my afternoon treadmill session, happy and ready to go, when I saw the sign that stabbed me right in the gut, the sign that informed me that the gym would be remodeling and would- GASP- be closed for an entire week. I cried, I moped, I mourned. After an entire week of grieving, I realized that I needed help. The treadmill had become my crutch. If it was a little cold, slightly raining, or just a little bit hot, I hit the treadmill. This was fine, as long as my gym was open. But now I had to face the cold, hard truth, I needed to put on my big girl pants and face the elements. And so that brings me to my experiment. I am going to run outside, regardless of the weather, for an entire year. No days off, no excuses. This is a daunting task, as the Midwest is not exactly known for its beautiful climate. Southern California this is not. But I am going to be brave (or at least pretend to be) and make this happen. Tomorrow, April 25th will be the start of my year long journey. It's going to be a bumpy (and cold, rainy, humid, snowy, etc.) but it is time to cut the cord. I'm going to go watch the weather, and pray for a gorgeous first day. Here goes nothing!


  1. Hey SharpGirl,

    I found your blog looking for other runners.

    That's quite the challenge you've taken. I wish you the best of luck.

    Here's a couple of things to keep in mind though. Have fun with it, get into a routine, but remain flexible. And I suggest you keep a running log or use this blog to record things.

    Over the years, I've found some of my most memorable and best training runs happened under less than perfect conditions. Sometimes getting out to run is like a red badge of courage. I also think that running outside is better for you as long as you're safe about it. Enjoying a gentle spring rainfall as you make your way down a rail trail or street can invigorate you.
    So go for it!

    If you get a chance, stop my blog and say hello.


  2. Ken,

    Thanks for following and thanks for the tips! I love hearing from other runners!

    I agree that I think running outside is better for you. It's also a lot less boring. I've just always used the treadmill as a crutch and never really tried to run outside when conidtions were less than perfect. My first run of this challenge was in the rain this morning, and I realized it's actually not to bad to get rained on.

    Thanks again for following and for the encouraging words. I'm heading over to your blog right now to check it out!

