Monday, April 25, 2011

April Showers

I made it through my first day of rain or shine running, and wouldn't you know it? It rained.  My daily run began with a light drizzle, and really it wasn't so bad.  I left my I-Pod at home, as I know from past experience that I-Pods don't like water (they especially don't like to go through the rinse cycle of my washing machine).  It was actually a really quiet, peaceful run. Then somewhere in the middle, around mile 3 it began to rain harder. But I didn't mind. I actually enjoyed running in the rain. I'm feeling happy and warm now, and quite proud of myself :). Now it's off to work!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

My Running Experiment

I love to run. I have been running for years, nearly every day. Sometimes I run outside, but often, I forgo the elements and run on the treadmill. Recently, I was dealt a crushing blow by my gym. I walked in for my afternoon treadmill session, happy and ready to go, when I saw the sign that stabbed me right in the gut, the sign that informed me that the gym would be remodeling and would- GASP- be closed for an entire week. I cried, I moped, I mourned. After an entire week of grieving, I realized that I needed help. The treadmill had become my crutch. If it was a little cold, slightly raining, or just a little bit hot, I hit the treadmill. This was fine, as long as my gym was open. But now I had to face the cold, hard truth, I needed to put on my big girl pants and face the elements. And so that brings me to my experiment. I am going to run outside, regardless of the weather, for an entire year. No days off, no excuses. This is a daunting task, as the Midwest is not exactly known for its beautiful climate. Southern California this is not. But I am going to be brave (or at least pretend to be) and make this happen. Tomorrow, April 25th will be the start of my year long journey. It's going to be a bumpy (and cold, rainy, humid, snowy, etc.) but it is time to cut the cord. I'm going to go watch the weather, and pray for a gorgeous first day. Here goes nothing!